Cosplay Convention Packing Checklist

I started this as a reference for myself and decided to share it. I hope someone finds it helpful. Comment if you think I'm missing anything important. I call this universal because you can adjust it to your needs; for some situations you need all these things, sometimes you don't need all of them, but it's a good way to make sure you don't forget anything.

- All costumes to be worn during the con
- All costume-related accessories/props, shoes, undergarments*
- All wigs that go with costumes
- styling materials (hair glue, hair spray, wig head & pins, etc) if needed
- fine toothed comb
- wig cap(s)
- hair pins
- costume makeup, contacts

* You may need special undergarments to go with certain costumes, i.e. you can't have a non-strapless bra under a strapless dress. Also, SAFETY SHORTS. Prevent embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions or potential creepers trying to get panty shots when you don a mini-skirt. Wear safety shorts.

Non-cosplay clothes
- one or two changes of normal clothes and/or outfits for rave/concert
- at least one pair of comfortable shoes
- pajamas/anything to sleep in
- swimsuit*

* If your hotel has a pool or hot tub.

- hair brush
- deodorant
- tooth brush and toothpaste
- makeup/makeup remover
- medication(s) if you take any
- shampoo, conditioner, body/face wash, soap, etc*
- tylenol/aspirin**
- Emergen-C***

* Yes, hotel rooms already have these things in tiny bottles, but depending on the size of your group they may run out really fast. So this one's up to you if you think you'll need to bring your own or not.
** You'll be very thankful for it if a random headache hits, which is pretty common when you're running around having so much fun you forget to eat/drink and sleep properly.
*** I bring a packet and if I begin to feel sick, mix it with water and chug. Getting sick at a convention is no fun. Some people say this stuff doesn't work for them, but it's usually helped me.

Costume maintenance/repair
- glue for broken props/accessories
- safety pins
- very minimal sewing kit (i.e. needle, thread, scissors)
- tide to-go pen*

* I absolutely never go to a convention without one or two of these. When you get pizza sauce on your white jacket, you'll be very glad to have it.

Materials to keep with you (in a purse or small bag)
- wallet w/ spending money, bank card(s), and ID
- phone (don't forget charger)
- camera (don't forget batteries or charger)
- map or directions if needed
- registration confirmation print-outs if needed
- convention schedule
- materials related to convention events (lyrics for karaoke, items to be autographed, etc)
- pads/tampons (better safe than sorry, girls.)
- liquid hand sanitizer*

* It may seem unnecessary to some, but crowded conventions are overflowing with germs and potential illness; keep yourself bacteria-free and don't head home with flu or pneumonia like I did.

- food from home that can be made in the hotel room.*
- small snacks to keep in your bag or purse
- refillable water bottle**
- food budget***

* Check ahead with the hotel and be SURE what you will have access to; fridge? microwave? just a coffee maker? one hotel promised me a microwave and fridge, and i got neither. alas, i had brought frozen food that went to waste. Also be aware of your roommates' food situations; are they bringing their own? are they gonna mooch off of you? I personally don't mind sharing my food as long as I'm prepared to do so.
** Do NOT bring liquids. they're very heavy. bring the empty bottle and fill it at a sink or drinking fountain. if you don't wish to be limited to plain water, bring packets of Crystal Light or Kool-aid. IMPORTANT: NEVER drink from the drinking glasses in hotel rooms. Most of them are never washed, even in nicer hotels, and are just rinsed quickly in water, or worse, unsafe chemical cleaners.
*** If you plan on relying on restaurants a lot, keep your food budget separate and don't allow it to get spent on anything else. (seriously.) Also make sure you know which restaurants are in the area beforehand, and have an idea how pricey they'll be, and how far from the venue.

Weather Preparedness
Most conventions take place entirely indoors, but if you're anticipating certain weather conditions and think you may be outside for any length of time, bring the following.
- For rain or snow: a small collapsible umbrella, water-proof shoes, a raincoat to cover your costume.
- For very hot weather: a small battery-powered fan, sunscreen, sunglasses. Stay hydrated as well.
- For cold weather: hand-warming packets, an extra jacket/sweatshirt.

And lastly, if you have the room, pack some things just for fun; a DS/PSP, laptop, mp3 player, etc.

Credits: Kayu-sama; "The Universal Convention Packing Checklist" [online] available at