Featured Cosplayer: Gaby Ortega

Cosplay is a domicile to some of life’s most baffling ironies, where bolts from the blue come as regular as night and day. 

It is not uncommon to hear stories of cosplayers portraying characters that are completely opposite of what they are in real life. 

There are also some who are oozing with confidence when they are in costumes, but are as timid as a mimosa once they are in their walking clothes.

Our featured cosplayer this week can very well be at the zenith of all these ironies.

Meet Gaby Ortega; the distinctive cosplayer known for wearing some of the most unique costumes people have ever seen. .

Gaby Ortega as Franky from One Piece
This 19-year old Mass Communication student has truly captured the interest and fancy of thousands of people not only because of the extreme costumes that she wear, but also due to her awe-inspiring spunk that is unrivaled as of yet.

Gaby is well-loved by photographers as evident by the crowd they consistently form around her during conventions. Fans and spectators are perpetually bewildered by her utter zealousness.

One may say she is in the far end of the cosplay spectrum, continuously pushing boundaries and incessantly redefining what a cosplayer can become. 

Let’s get to know her more and take a peek at her life behind all the many costumes that she wear.

Discover the real person behind the glitz and glamour of one of the most popular cosplayer of this era.

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Give a short introduction of your self.

I am Gaby Ortega, 19 years old. I love cosplay, anime, music and the UNIVERSE!!!

When did you start cosplaying?

I had my cosplay debut at BOA (Best of Anime 2011). The very first character that I cosplayed was Franky from One Piece. I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I don't have many friends that time so I was a bit lonely. But I really had fun that day! I even went onstage and did the Franky Dance! It was so embarrassing! But it was worth it!

What inspires you to cosplay?

Gaby Ortega as Don Flamingo from One Piece
One of the things that I look forward to during cons is posing for photographers. They'll take a lot of awesome pictures! I also look forward to seeing my friends who always push me to go and have fun with them. Bonding, trolling, and laughing with my friends. These are the things that I find so addicting.

Most importantly, I find it so amusing and comforting when I see people smile at me and say "thank you" every time they take photos of me. I really like to entertain them, make them smile or laugh, say hi to them and make them happy even just for few moments. On the lighter side, I also love the shops, booths and performances during cons! They’re all awesome!
What costumes have you worn so far? What made you choose those costumes?

The costumes I have are from the following Anime/Games/Videos/Person:

Gaby Ortega as Miku/Krauser from Vocaloid
1. One Piece (multiple characters)
2. Blue Dragon
3. Guitarhero: Warriors of Rock
4. Obama
5. Princess Mononoke
6. Hitman Reborn
7. Samurai Showdown
8. Tekken
9. Lilo n Stitch
10. League of Legends
11. Chrono Cross
12. Miku/DMC
13. Thor
14. Wonder Woman
15. Nyan Cat
16. Assassin's Creed II
17. Disney Pixar's UP!

I want to cosplay their characters because I am interested in their fashion sense! I like their style! Also, It's either they are my favorite character, or their personality and attitude reminds me a little bit of myself.

There are some characters that I want to cosplay but I find it hard portray them! But someday, I certainly will pursue them.

Gaby Ortega as NYAN Cat
What cosplay event do you consider as most special?

The most special one was Fantasy Quest 2011. It was before BOA (Best of Anime) where I had my cosplay debut. That event prompted me to enter cosplay! It was really magical and amazing! It’s a long story to tell but basically during that time it became clear what I want to do – I want to cosplay!

Describe something that you hate.

I hate satin! As much as possible, I try to avoid it. Although I can't change the fact that there are costumes in which satin is necessary.  But i still hate that fabric. I'd rather look for another shiny fabric or other alternatives.

I hate people who ruin other people (haters, posers, backstabbers -- mga walang magawa sa buhay, etc.). My friends have encountered some of them and it saddens me to see them gloomy and problematic.

Describe something that you love.

I love people who have passion! I love those who show determination and courage. I love confident people!

I love funny things. I love people who have sense of humor. I love 9GAG, music (rock ones), anime (comedy, action, romance and adventure!)

Gaby Ortega as Marguerite from One Piece
Describe your life outside cosplay.

I spend most of the time at home doing Facebook all night. Facebook addict akoLucky na lang if somebody invites me to hang out somewhere.

I mostly spend my money on cosplays-- I always used up my whole allowance for cosplay. 

I play PS3, One of my faves is GuitarHero. 

I love eating! I'm actually messy when I eat to the point that my friends find it funny and enjoyable to look at. 

I am actually a very sensitive person. I get hurt easily. One bad critic, no matter how shallow it is, cab be very hurtful for me. Maybe I am just not used to it. 

I'm a very shy person. I consider it one of the worst weaknesses that I have. But ultimately my worst weaknesses are hot guys. Haha! I always get nervous and feel awkward when I’m around them. Lalo na pag crush ko grabe! I find it hard to be myself when I'm with them.

I am very interested in music. I also love to sing, I just feel so free and it feels really good. Whenever I see bands playing and musicians perform with their instruments, I always get hyped-up! My blood is bursting, my soul gets really excited and my passion is burning. When I hear really good song, I tend to become very emotional and ya know, "Feel na feel ko talaga!" It's just the most beautiful thing in the world. It’s what I call MAGICAL!

Gaby Ortega as Russell from Disney Pixar's UP
Speaking of "Magical" laking Disney ako. I really love Disney and it always makes me touched every time I watch Disney movies (same goes for Hayao MIyazaki's films of studio Ghibli. It's like the Disney of Japan.)

I'm also interested in movie making. I always dreamed of making my own movies: short, long, etc. I really find it fun to edit. I like creating stories especially comedy, adventure and romance. That's why I'm MassComm, majoring in Media Production.

I'm a probinsiyana type. I never considered myself as a city girl. Pollution is killing me. I really love -- I mean LOOOOVE the ocean! It’s one of the beautiful things that inspires and touches me. I like to swim a lot. I like nature in general.

You don’t usually join cosplay competitions, why is that?

Good question! Well contrary to popular belief – I’m actually … shy.
People tell me, I don't look shy at all when I cosplay. It's because when I cosplay, I feel no pressure. I just strike a pose and photographers usually just come at me.

Gaby Ortega
But when joining competitions, there's pressure everywhere! People expect something from you.  They look at you in a manner that is so discomforting.  Basta nahihiya lang ako.

But I have actually joined some competitions.  First time was when I cosplayed Barack Obama. It just happened instantaneously! It wasn't my intention to join at all! But I wanted my Obama to get noticed so I joined the competition. 

I also joined a "Talent Show" in Best of Anime 2011 (my debut). I was wearing my Franky Costume. I did the "Franky Dance."  I think people loved it as much as I enjoyed it.

Is it your plan not to wear costumes more than once?

Gaby Ortega as Morgana League of Legends
I could wear my costume more than once. It just so happened that I got a lot of cosplans. There are lots of characters that I want to cosplay right away! Also, If I am really happy with my shots, I don't want to repeat the same costume because then, I’ll have too many pics showing the same costume. But if I’m really attached to that character I may choose to wear it more than once. My costumes also depend on the themes of the conventions.

I want to cosplay new characters every so often so that new epic pics would come out regularly! That’s just my way of thinking. I really want to have many costumes so my portfolio would show wide variety.

What’s your dream job and how you want your future to be?

I want to have my own band and be a vocalist! I wanna tour all over the world! I’ll be the only girl in the band and all my band mates would be good looking and hot guys!!!

And when we’re already famous, I wanna make movies, music videos and lots of other stuffs!

Is there a particular celebrity that you admire?

Gaby Ortega as Ms. DoubleFinger from One 
Lady Gaga! I admire her because she is so unique and she stands out at the same time. She has strong character. She stands firmly for what she believes in and follows what she thinks to be the right track to achieve her dreams and goals. She is very talented and I really like how she sings and plays the piano – very creative!

I also admire Ryan Higa. He is a genius! He’s very clever and creative in making movies. He does things naturally and he is simply funny! He has very good vibes and I like his smile. It brightens up the mood. He is very entertaining and one of a kind as well. He's really good with his videos and not all people think like he does! It's a gift!

Message to your fans and fellow cosplayers.

Keep doing what you love! Importante lang naman basta masaya ka. And the most important thing you should remember: G.A.B.Y (Go And Be Yourself)! Just G.A.B.Y!!! 

If you love something and if you are passionate about something, Itodo mo na! Life is short!

OHMEHGERD PLEASE LIKE MY PAGE!  www.facebook.com/gibgurb. All my cosplay pictures are there!  You can share the pictures. You can even post the pictures on your blogs. You can post it on FunnyMama or something. Thank you guys!

Gaby Ortega as Anna Williams from Tekken

Gaby Ortega as Boa from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as  Boa from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as  Lilo from Lilo n Stitch

Gaby Ortega as Morgana from League of Legends

Gaby Ortega as Serge from Crono Cross

Gaby Ortega as Serge from Crono Cross

Gaby Ortega as Serge from Crono Cross

Gaby Ortega as Miku/Krauser from Vocaloid

Gaby Ortega as WonderWoman

Gaby Ortega as WonderWoman

Gaby Ortega as Thor

Gaby Ortega as NYAN Cat

Gaby Ortega as Ezio from Assassin's Creed

Gaby Ortega as Ezio from Assassin's Creed

Gaby Ortega as Ezio from Assassin's Creed

Gaby Ortega as Zola from Blue Dragon

Gaby Ortega Grinder Ambush Comics

Gaby Ortega as Russell from Disney Pixar's UP

Gaby Ortega as Marguerite from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as Marguerite from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as  Nami from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as  Ace from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as Ms. DoubleFinger from One Piece

Gaby Ortega as Warrior Judy Nails from GuitarHero

Gaby Ortega as Warrior Judy Nails from GuitarHero

Gaby Ortega as Barack Obama

Gaby Ortega as Princess Mononoke

Gaby Ortega as Princess Mononoke

Gaby Ortega as

Gaby Ortega as Shiki from Samurai Showdown

Gaby Ortega

Gaby Ortega

Gaby Ortega's cosplay portfolio
There are unique people in this world, and within this group are the even more exceptional ones. Gaby Ortega belongs to this exclusive crowd who seemed to have shielded themselves from all the social constructs this world had imposed upon everyone. 

Gaby chose not to blindly follow the imperatives. Instead she defined her own rules, and in doing so, inspired others to breakaway from the preordained limitations.

She entered the cosplay scene and the boundaries swiftly stretched to limits never before reached. Truthfully, no one can deny the impact she had made in Philippine cosplay ever since she came. 

Equipped with wide-range of talents and unequaled audacity, she propelled herself to a new level of fame reserved only to those who are brave enough to challenge the norm and go beyond the expectations.

Follow Gaby on her official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/gibgurb
