Featured Cosplayer: Ekha Garbin

Cosplay events attract crowd unlike any other festivities.  Herds of excited people flock to get a glimpse of recognizable characters wearing the most eye-catching costumes. Sometimes during conventions, we see a spot where people seem to gather the most. A circle of frantic crowd formed by hordes of photographers and wide-eyed spectators gazing upon the same individual. 

It is in the center of this chaos where we usually find one of the most crowd pleasing cosplayer the cosplay-cosmos has ever seen...

Meet Erika Jean Garbin or simply Ekha. Armed with her unrivaled audacity, she stormed the cosplay scene with artillery of daring costumes that instantly stunned the crowd and got the attention of multitude of people like 4th of July fireworks. 

Let’s get to know more about Ekha through this short interview.

When did you start cosplaying?

It was in the year 2008 when I cosplayed my first character Gyohong from an Skyblade: Sword of Heavens Online. But it was in the year 2010 when I finally decided to start “COSPLAYING" for real.

What motivates you to cosplay?

Initially it was out of curiosity, just something to get my mind off pressure. But seeing how others seriously put in so much effort and meticulously make their costumes awakens the creative yet competitive side of me. The curiosity inside me then grew into deeper interest. I took it as a challenge that every time I cosplay or make my costume, I must do better. I started learning new stuff just to improve. From applying make-up to sewing, to using heavy equipment for carpentry to molding and sculpting, and even learning the basics in electrical circuitry just so I could add effects like lights to my costumes. Later on, the desire to do better turned into passion. It wasn't just simply challenging myself. I started to enjoy and love each and every aspect of cosplaying.

What costume/s have you worn? What made you choose that/those costume/s?

Currently I have cosplayed the following characters:
Gyohong (Skyblade Online)
Shana (Shakugan no shana)
Shana ( Legend of Dragoons)
Stockings Anarchy's genderbend (male) (panty and stockings with garterbelt)
Pirate Girl
Shiori Tsuzuki ( Witchblade Anime )
A warrior type character that I derived from different anime and games that I like.

I do not have that much cosplays yet because I am very much picky when it comes to choosing what to cosplay. What I did was to establish my own 5-point guideline which I follow. These are:
1. Familiarity - as much as possible I choose characters and series whom I personally love and well aware of. If not, I do an intensive research and study the character very well.
2. Temperament - It is essential for me to understand a character's personality before I decide whether to cosplay it or not. I prefer those with stronger personality that those innocent ones because believe it or not, I am having more difficulty acting it out. I tried once but it really doesn't fit me. I'd rather be scary LOL!
3. Appearance - I love cosplaying characters with kickass weapons/moves, extraordinaire look and heavy armory because it gives me the freedom to do a variety of movements not just poses.
4. Feasibility - Admit it or not, not all our dream cosplays are possible in real life setting and not all are applicable to the crowd and the environment.
5. Resemblance - a make it a point to find even just one similarity between me and the character i will portray especially when it comes to personality. Even just one would be a plus for me!

I decided to separate resemblance from temperament because in cosplay you can actually be anyone you wanted to be, it doesn't necessarily need to resemble you, it depends on your preferences. But having resemblance makes it easier for me so I decided to add it on my list. It doesn't really have to fill all 5 of this though, 3 out of five would be okay but It would be better if it'll be 5 out of this 5. X)

What cosplay events have you attended and which one do you consider most special?

I have attended quite a lot of events because I do exhibit and sell my items during conventions as well. Some of the events  I've been to are Ozine festivals, Toycons, Tagcoms, Cosplay Mania, Tamashiicon UP ame monogatari,PCC, Pinoy Otaku and a whole lot more. Every Convention for me is special because every time I attend one, I learn, gain and experience new things plus I do earn :P haha. But if I had to pick one it'll be Cosplay Mania 11, I get a chance to talk to Pinky Lu  Xun and got an autograph from Jin Joson :) I admire both of them. They are an inspiration and a role model to a lot of cosplayers not just because of they are good at what they do, but because they had great personality as well. Super down to earth! I just love them. :)

Describe something that you hate.

I really hate cockroaches! Flying cockroaches and their creepy legs! XD haha is that counted? But seriously, I hate them haha… I don't like being labeled as someone I am not. I accept criticisms but I don't like hearing insults whether it is addressed towards me or not. I am not fond of public speaking because I have stage frights. I do not really like people whose heads tend to be bigger than their body O.O what I mean is, all praises goes to their heads that they forgot to be humble. Praises and appreciation from other people are not a bad thing. But it should be put into heart not go all the way to the head.

Describe something that you love.

I love cats. I was once titled as a “cat whisperer" because even a stray cat gets friendly towards me haha… We almost had 100 cats at home due to my fondness but they were reduced to 14. X3 It was the reason why my online shop was named "meowaholics" and started making and selling cat ears. haha I also love all forms of arts, from drawing to sculpting down to music and performing. Though I love cosplay, I am a self-confessed Korean drama addict. X3 I love their drama especially their "sageuk" theme (historical) ones. I am even planning to cosplay "gisaeng" soon, as soon as I get my hands on a gache ( gisaeng's traditional wig ) I would. I love food! But due to cosplay, I had to reduce eating hahahaha and do a lot of exercises! >.< I admire others effort and creativity when it comes to cosplay and it makes me one proud Filipino Cosplayer.

Describe your life outside cosplaying.

I was born in a family of artists and academic achievers. So ever since, I was always pressured to do well in both areas. Though I was the youngest, I was never been spoiled. When it comes to grades, my mom was very strict. A few errors could get me few spankings back then. It's a discipline me and my brothers grew up with. But it was one of the reasons why I never failed in school. Though I may not look like it, I was able to graduate as a Valedictorian during my grade school and high school years and a Salutatorian during kindergarten. I did achieved so much academically, but I wasn't really happy. In a society where people believe that educational background, attainments and diplomas are your ticket to success and dictates your future, they expected me to be one of the crowds and pursue a professional career. So the pressure of making it big as a grown-up grew even heavier.
I took up Nursing at De La Salle Health  and Sciences Institute probably because I didn't knew anything else except to be what they wanted me to be. But after a while, I really felt it wasn't the life for me. Why Shaira Luna gave up being a doctor to be a photographer, I didn't understand her back then. Until like her, I found what my heart, more than my mind really wants. I had to thank cosplay for that. No, I'm not saying cosplay is a career path for me. but more likely, an eye opener and an instrument that made me dream dreams. I realized my love for arts and the happiness that I feel weighs even greater than the trophies and medals I had.  People might find it crazy and ridiculous but I finally know for sure want I wanted. That itself for me is an accomplishment.

Messages to fans and fellow cosplayers.

I'd rather have friends than fans, but if there is someone who appreciates my craft, I am truly grateful towards them. Message? hmm I do not think I am in a position where I can give pointers, because I believe that each person has a different way on viewing things, and each one of us expresses it differently. It's not that I can judge whether I'm more passionate than them or not. I just show and give my respect to them. What I only know is, Cosplay, more than a hobby that I truly enjoy, it is something I am greatly thankful for. It gave me new friends, I learn and developed my personality and made me desire and want to pursue my dream. An encouragement and gift this craft had taught me. I guess that is the only thing I can share to my fellow cosplayers!

Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts about cosplay and to share a lil bit about me! :)) THANK YOU!! :D

Ekha Garbin as Shiori Tsuzuki from Witchblade

Ekha Garbin as Shiori Tsuzuki from Witchblade

Ekha Garbin as Gyohong from Skyblade Online

Ekha Garbin as a Pirate

Ekha Garbin as Shana from Shakugan no Shana

Ekha Garbin as Shana from Shakugan no Shana

Ekha Garbin in a genderbend character

Ekha Garbin in a Wa-lolita costume

Ekha Garbin in an original warrior character she created

Ekha Garbin in an original warrior character she created

Ekha Garbin in an original warrior character she created

Passion is the buzz word for serious cosplayers and no one epitomizes cosplay passion more than Ekha Garbin. Not only is she able to brilliantly portray her characters, she also shows emotions with immense depth which is unseen even among the most heralded cosplayers of our time. She depicts her characters with intense passion that transcends and radiates beyond the fabric of her costumes. More than the dazzling costumes she put on, her sincerity in the portrayal of her characters is what makes Ekha stands-out in the cosplay scene. 

On the personal level, Ekha embodies the persona of a strong individual who is able to bravely swerve-away from the path set before her. She embarks on a journey to pursue her true happiness using her own map instead of blindly following someone else’s directions. 

As one cosplay luminary says, every cosplayer faces personal struggles. Ekha faced these struggles squarely and came out victorious in a combat against her self-limitations. This is what makes Ekha not only a genuine cosplay idol but real inspiration for everyone within and beyond the cosplay world.

You can follow Ekha at her official Facebook account
